Tuesday, July 21, 2009

rain rain rain

Abandoned building in a bad part of town. After I took the second photo a haggard-looking homeless man sort-of sat up from behind that pile of junk, looked vaguely in my general direction, and passed out again. Nice.

Summer band camp at Southern. Hundreds of high school students from all over the U.S. participated.

The Louisiana chapter of the American Red Cross has a brand new home in BR, made possible by a multi-million dollar gift from the people of Kuwait. Just in time for hurricane season! I got an exclusive tour of the disaster operations center, warehouse, classrooms, kitchen, fancy-schmancy vehicles, etc. All state-of-the-art stuff.

The guy who led me around was a wellspring of knowledge and nearly convinced me to sign up as a volunteer on the spot. Seriously. Though, his main selling point was their insanely huge generator out back.... if you've ever been through the aftermath of a hurricane in 100+ degree weather, you'd know why that's seriously appealing.

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